Manifesto of the Kingdom of God
The beatitudes Series
What is often regarded as the greatest sermon of all time is The Sermon on the Mount. It’s so significant because just as political parties lay our their manifestos where they show their followers what they see as important and who they are looking out for - Jesus laid our His manifesto for The Kingdom to God. Jesus talks about how we should live our lives; how we should view ourselves and others; and how our place in the world relates to God and His Kingdom.
Jesus’ sermon starts and rests with something called the Beatitudes. This is a list the people who make up the Kingdom of God, the people who God regards as significant, as essential. This list seems backwards, it’s paradoxical and defies how culture views people - but it shows how all people, even the least and the lowly, are important to God and His Kingdom. You can read the Beatitudes by clicking here. We are going to be going through the Beatitudes for the next 8 weeks.
Good news Series - Why Christianity is Good News for Everyone
Back to the Basics of Faith Series
Spiritual Breathing Exercise - 6 May 2021
On the 6th of May Rich lead us in a time of Spiritual breathing. We learned about the Holy Spirit and how we can breath the Spirit in to receive forgiveness and new life.
Christians believe that the Holy Spirit is alive - interacting with us and all we do on a daily basis. The Spirit changes us, inspires us and forgives us when we allow Him.
Rich focused specifically on how the Spirit forgives us this week - showing that we can receive God’s forgiveness simply by breathing in the Spirit.
Here is the exercise Rich lead us in below if you want to try it for yourself:
Exhale: confess sin and receive forgiveness and repent – change of mind and a turn around.
Inhale: surrender control of your life
Here is a short prayer to say when you are finished this exercise:
Lord Jesus, I'm sorry I've thought, said and done things that are not in line with following you that have hurt you, others and myself. Thank you for forgiving me through Jesus' death on the cross, showing your love for me. Fill me with the Holy Spirit to strengthen me to live for you.